Karuna Attunement Process
- Begin behind the student, and steady the aura by holding the non-dominant hand in the aura about six inches from the body.
- Draw the Tibetan Fire Serpent down the back.
- Draw three Usui Power Symbols (Cho-Ku-Rei) at the base of the spine.
- Redraw the Fire Serpent backwards up the spine to the top of the head.
- Use violet breath to blow in the Tibetan Master Symbol and direct it to the base of the skull.
- Draw the Usui Master Symbol over the head and direct it to the base of the skull.
- Do the same with the Om symbol.
- Move to the front and open the student's hands.
- Draw the four treatment symbols for the level of Karuna Reiki you are attuning the student to. If attuning a master/Teacher first draw Tibetan Master, then Fire Serpent, then Om, and then the treatment symbols for that level.
Treatment symbols for Karuna I are Zonar, Halu, Harth, and Rama.
Treatment symbols for Karuna II are Gnosa, Kriya, Iava, and Shanti.
- Close the students hands into prayer position and move the hands so the thumbs touch the third eye. Hold the hands with your non-dominant hand and draw each symbol in the same order as above over the fingers. After drawing the symbols, motion the energy into the fingertips as you say the name to yourself three times, then tap the fingers three times.
- Move the hands back to the heart chakra and have the students place their fingers back into the receptive mudra.
- Over the crown, raw the Om symbol and the four treatment symbols of the level the student is being attuned to. If doing a Master level attunement, after drawing each symbol say its name three times and motion it into the crown chakra.
- Move to the back. As you look into the crown chakra, say a positive affirmation to yourself, intending it to go into the heart chakra of the student.
- Blow lightly into the crown, imagining it going down to the heart while focusing on Divine Love and compassionate action. Use an affirmation such as "You are a powerful and successful Karuna Reiki I practitioner filled with love and compassionate action."
- Seal the attunement by placing both thumbs at the base of the skull and visualizing the Cho-Ku-Rei there. Say to yourself "I completely seal this attunement process with compassionate action."
- Place both hands on the students shoulders and meditate on how both of you are blessed for having taken part in this experience.
- Move in front of the student and release the Hui Yin and the tongue with a breath out as a final blessing. A prayer or blessing can also be said at this time.
- Ask the student to place their hands on their legs or their heart center and contemplate the meaning of Karuna and the new symbols.