Preparation Before Giving the Attunements.
- Demonstrate the receptive mudra hand position to the students and explain about moving the hands. Explain how the hands go into prayer position at third eye and back into receptive mudra in front of the heart.
- Lead the students in a short meditation to ground them to the earth and open them to the universe. Then have them close their eyes and place their hands in the receptive mudra.
- Empower your hands.
- Draw a large Cho-Ku-Rei down the front of your body.
- Draw a Cho-Ku-Rei symbol on each chakra, starting with the root chakra, and say its name to yourself three times per chakra.
- Draw the Om in the center of the room, and a Cho-Ku-Rei in all 6 directions.
- Say a prayer asking for help from your highest Karuna guides, the Bodhisattvas, the Ascended masters, the angels and archangels, or other spiritual beings you would like to work with.
- Clearly indicate in your prayer what level attunement this will be.
- Optionally, choose one enlightened being you would like to work with and invite them to enter your being and do the attunement through you.
- Draw all of the symbols that you will be using in the attunement into the center of the room to raise the vibration.