The Violet Breath

  1. Contract the Hui Yin point and place your tongue to the roof of your mouth.
  2. Draw in a breath. Visualize it as white light coming down through your crown chakra and flowing through your tongue, down the front of your body, through the Hui Yin point, and up the spine to the center of your head. Visualize the light as a mist filling your head.
  3. Visualize the mist starting to rotate clockwise (when looking at the head from behind). As it rotates, visualize it turning first to blue, then to violet.
  4. When the mist turns violet, picture the Tibetan Master Symbol held in the violet mist, but not rotating.
  5. Breathe the symbol and mist out of your mouth and into the student's crown chakra. The tongue remains at the top of the mouth and you blow around the tongue.
  6. Guide the symbol down to the base of the skull in three steps, starting with the crown, then the center of the head, and ending at the base of the skull, using your dominant hand and silently chanting Dai Ko Mio once at each of the three points.