Semi-Imara Attunement Method

How to Perform the Attunement

  1. Seat the recipient in front of you.
  2. Have the reciever put their hands on their hips, fingers pointing down their legs. This will create a circuit of energy down their legs and intensify the energy flow.
  3. Take a deep breath, center yourself, and call upon your guides for assistance. Begin.
  4. Place your hands on top of their head with their ears between your middle fingers and ring fingers and your thumbs meeting at the center of the top of their head. Rest your hands gently and let the energy flow.
  5. Invoke the energy.
  6. When you feel like it is running/see the vortex, intend to attune the person to the desired system or symbols.
  7. In your head, silently say "Laho-chi Master, please attune this person to..." and specify which system or symbol-set you wish to attune the person to. Repeat this request two times, for a total of three.
  8. Draw the symbols for the system or symbol-set over the person's crown chakra, within the vortex. Visualize the vortex spinning them around within itself.
  9. Visualize the vortex spinning down into their head and spinning around inside their aura. You may wish to guide it down to the base of their skull with your hands.
  10. Move your hands to the back of the neck, gently pressing both of your thumbs in, and visually draw a cho-ku-rei at that point, silently saying "I seal this attunement in light and love." This seals the attunement within the attunee.
  11. Put your hands on their shoulders gently and firmly, and place an affirmation that they are now attuned to the chosen system or symbols within them.